Whats Your Opinion?

Hey guys read anything and everything you want, comment on anything. I'd love to know what you think. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. Ill try to answer them the best i can.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chapter 3

Women and young teenage girls are showing more and more skin. Most show skin because they want all the attention from society and it makes them feel better about themselves when people are looking their way. In American culture we have adapted to this lifestyle that is all about beauty and sexualality. America used to have shame for the women that were promiscuous. Society used to put these women in their own catagorie. In other countries women are not as sexual. They are very conservitive and keep their bodies covered. In the muslim culture they even have to wear a head dress where in America they barley have to wear a shirt. Women in other cultures are not as free as American women. American women get just about anything they want. Our American culture most of the time do not take notice to how lucky we women are. If we did not fight for what we believed in and revolted against the unjust agreements then we would have no freedom. We would have no respect and be looked at as someone unequal to men. I am so thankful for the freedoms that past women have faught for. They deserve all the credit they can get. Culture changes frequently and we need to help other women from other countries fight for what they need, and that is respect.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chapter One

Days like today, no one ever thinks of how little spring of the moment choices they make have an outcome that really effect people. Some are intended and some are surprisingly unintended. For example when you try to do something to help someone. Like an old person crossing the street or carrying grocery bags. You come off as helpful in other people's eyes but to the person your helping you come off as insulting and rude because they feel they can do it on their own.You may have intended on helping them but to them you were just trying to be a hooligan or make them a joke. Not all elderly people are nice. Some are just a too tart and done dealing with all the jokes and crap. But even though you honestly tried to help them, it just wasn't their day and you got the smack down. :)